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Chihuahua Vomiting Issues


It can be scary to see a Chihuahua throwing up since this tiny toy dog can easily become dehydrated due to loss of fluids. Vomiting may be acute (a one-time occurrence) or it may happen chronically.

Either way, you will want to know why your puppy or dog is ill and if it is something that you can treat at home or if it requires a visit to the veterinarian.
In this section, we are going to discuss all of the details of this including: 
  • Steps to take if a Chi is vomiting food either right after eating or when the dog is not eating  
  • Vomiting after various triggers such as after waking up or exercising 
  • What you can do from home to help your puppy or dog feel better  
  • Red flags signs that vomiting is an emergency issue  
  • What it means if a Chihuahua is vomiting white or yellow foam 
In this section, we are going to discuss all of the details of this including: 
  • Steps to take if a Chi is vomiting food either right after eating or when the dog is not eating  
  • Vomiting after various triggers such as after waking up or exercising 
  • What you can do from home to help your puppy or dog feel better  
  • Red flags signs that vomiting is an emergency issue  
  • What it means if a Chihuahua is vomiting white or yellow foam 
Chihuahua sick with vomiting

Acute (one time) Vomiting 

Acute vomiting will be one instance of throwing up that ends as quickly as it began and the dog acts perfectly fine afterward. Sometimes it will never be known what caused it and other times,

it may be a matter of the dog simply eating too fast one time or ingesting grass or even an insect that caused his body to react.

What to do -

1) First, you'll want to watch your puppy or dog to see if any other signs appear. Look for dry heaving - this may occur if there is no food left in the stomach but there are still spasms that are causing retching. This can be very draining on a dog, zapping away his energy.

You'll also want to see if he appears to be in distress, is having trouble breathing, has weakness, refuses water and/or food or has any bloating.

Any of those signs can point to a serious problem and you'll want to take your dog to the vet right away.

2) If your Chihuahua seems just fine after the episode, it is best to make the next meal one that is easy on the stomach. The above mentioned rice, oatmeal, bananas and/or sweet potato should do the trick. 

You can mix the ingredients, for example plain oatmeal with small pieces of banana or rice with potato mixed in.

3) Encourage your Chihuahua to drink and if there is reluctance offering an ice cube (plain or flavored) may work well. 

Offering unflavored Pedialyte can quickly rehydrate a dog that has thrown up and revolve issue of weakness that may have occurred do to vomiting up fluids and food.

Chronic (on-going) Vomiting

One of the issues that can happen to a Chihuahua with severe vomiting is that the body rapidly loses vital fluids and the dog can enter into dehydration distress rather quickly.

When a Chihuahua is throwing up but not eating due to stomach upset or is trying to eat but the food comes right back out, the dog can quickly drop into a weakened state.

Owners wonder if a food allergy or intolerance can cause vomiting. There are so many sources talking about food allergies that it can lead one to believe that it is extremely common. 

However, only 10% of all allergies issues are related to food. And when a dog is allergic to a certain ingredient, the most common reactions are facial swelling, itching (everywhere but often most noticeably on the anal area), ear and skin infections and/or changes to bowel movements.

More likely would be food intolerance. If a Chihuahua has begun to vomit a lot right after a change to a new food, this may be the cause. In addition, canines can go through changes every 1 to 3 years; what a dog once tolerated may become the source of vomiting as he ages.
Treatment for food intolerance - it is always recommended to have other ailments ruled out before assuming that the problem of vomiting is intolerance.

However, if this is the case, the dog should be put on a bland diet that allows the stomach to rest. Water mixed with Pedialyte can be given. Meals should be plain can easily digestible such as the previously mentioned rice, banana, oatmeal and sweet potato. 

Offer very small amounts and for a Chihuahua with a very upset stomach, one spoonful every 30 minutes may need to be hand fed.  

If there is no improvement - If a Chihuahua continues to vomit for more than 24 hours and/or refuses to eat, this is definitely something that you do not want to try and treat at home. 
The condition may be fatal. Some of the possible reasons for a Chihuahua having chronic vomiting are quite serious. Causes include: 
  • Stomach ulcers 
  • Cancer 
  • Pancreatitis 
  • Kidney disease 
  • Diabetes 
  • Liver disease 
  • Ear infection 
  • Bladder disease or rupture 
  • Canine distemper 
  • Parvovirus 
  • Addison's disease 
What to do: Ongoing problems with vomiting must be checked out by the veterinarian. For some, IV intervention will be needed to bring back normal electrolyte and sugar balances in the bloodstream. Testing will need to be done to determine the cause and then appropriate treatment can be given. 

Treatment options and medication will vary depending on the reason and while some health conditions can be very serious, many can be successfully treated if professional intervention is obtained.

Vomiting Food Right After Eating

A Chihuahua may throw up right after eating and even right there in the kitchen. If the food is being thrown up before it is even digested, this is technically called regurgitation. The chucks of food that are heaved up may look quite similar to what was in the bowl.

The most common reason for this is that he Chihuahua ate too quickly. This can be easily resolved by obtaining a slow-feeding bowl. These special bowls distribute the food using a safe, middle projection. Do be sure to avoid those made of plastic; these can cause terrible allergic reactions, even those that are labeled BPA, PVC, and/or phthalate.

Stainless-steel is best, and one like the DuraPet Slow-Feed Premium Stainless Steel Dog Bowl is small enough for most adult Chihuahuas.  

Vomiting Right After Exercise

If your Chihuahua throws up during or right after a brisk walk or a bout of exercise, this is usually due to there being too short of a time between eating and activity. This is a super active breed and a Chi may dive into running around before food has had a chance to settle.

It is best to allow at least 20 minutes to pass before heading out for a walk or playtime in the yard once the puppy or dog has had a meal.

Throwing Up After Eating Grass

There are conflicting theories about why dogs eat grass. Some say that a dog will purposefully ingest grasses to induce vomiting. Others say that a dog will ingest grass to receive needed nutrients and vomiting is just a bad reaction to that.

The best thing you can do is to prevent your puppy or dog from eating grass in the first place. This breed should never be left outside alone without supervision. Not only can the grass contain lawn care chemicals and insects, a Chi may ingest small pebbles that can cause blockage or eat poisonous weeds or flowers.

Feces on the grass can cause worms and other diseases and urine from wild animals can cause Leptospirosis (a disease not all pets receive vaccinations for).

With low ability to regulate body temperature, the possibility of finding an escape route and being vulnerable to dog-nappers and birds of prey such as hawks, the Chihuahua should always be kept on leash and watched when out in the yard.

With this said, if a Chihuahua still shows an urge to ingest grass - with or without vomiting - taking another look at his diet and making changes to a higher quality brand may be needed. Also, do not forget the importance of giving your dog a full and complete daily vitamin and mineral supplement.

Violent Vomiting

When a Chihuahua has an acute attack of sudden, projectile vomiting this is a cause for concern. In many cases, this means that the dog eat a toxic substance. 

Canines are super curious creatures and can get into places that you never thought possible. Not only can a puppy swallow a non-food object, he may ingest rotted food from the trash, poisons liquids such as cleaning fluids or toxic foods that are safe for humans but can be fatal to dogs - especially toy breeds.

Other signs- When a dog is vomiting due to poisoning, there may or may not be other symptoms. In some cases, the dog will look panicked and may turn in circles, pace or run around frantically, he may dry heave, become very anxious, shake, shiver, retreat or otherwise show signs of distress.

What to do - It is always better to be safe than sorry and if your Chihuahua is vomiting violently it is best to bring him or her to the closest veterinarian or animal hospital without hesitation. 

If you know what was ingested, bring the container with you if possible. Sometimes, a minute means all the difference and you will not want to take any chances.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Sometimes a Chihuahua will suffer from both throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time and owners will be justifiably concerned. With very low body weight and limited bodily fluids, a Chihuahua can become dangerously dehydrated within just hours.

This can be caused by many of the same reasons as vomiting alone. This includes food intolerance, ingestion of a rotted food, ingesting poison, and the many possible diseases such as parvo and distemper.

What to do - Do not give the dog any food at all and keep him on a liquid diet of water mixed with Pedialyte. The Chihuahua should not be left home alone; someone should remain with him at all times in case his condition worsens or if new symptoms appear.

After 24 hours, a small amount of bland food may be given to see how he does.

If there are any worsening symptoms such as bloody diarrhea or if the vomiting and diarrhea continues after 24 hours, this is reason to have the puppy or dog look at by the vet right away. If the appointment is later in the day, continue to refrain from giving food and encourage him to drink water mixed with Pedialyte.

You may be asked to bring in a stool sample, so be prepared to collect some by flipping a clean plastic zipped sandwich bag inside out and then reversing it after the fecal matter is inside.

Red Flags

While a Chihuahua may vomit and act perfectly fine the next minute, an episode of throwing up should never be taken lightly and owners should always keep an eye out for other signs that may validate a same-day appointment with the vet.

The following are signs that an evaluation is needed immediately:
  • Projectile vomiting - Violent throw up that is expelled with force, sometimes also coming out of the nostrils.  
  • If the issue is occurring for more than 24 hours 
  • There is weakness 
  • If the Chihuahua refuses to eat  
  • If the puppy or dog will not drink water 
  • If there are other signs including: Stomach bloating, swelling anywhere on the body, nasal discharge, diarrhea and or dizziness  
Continue Reading: Chihuahua is vomiting foam 
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